THE BIG 60 TennisFEST!
Hey, it's our club's 60th Birthday, so come and celebrate on Saturday 14th September with a fun packed day of tennis. Davis Cup style format : six teams of eight (all standards) doubles combinations = 50 plus people + spectators on all three courts at the same time - join a team and/or support a team - spectators will be court-side, giant high 5 foam hands, inflatable clapper sticks will be provided - barracking compulsory!!
Team pairings will be matched standards. It will be a knockout format ending with a final between the top two teams - so you may need to switch allegiance if your team is knocked out!!!
The winning team will win the acclaimed Paul Jameson Charity Cup to be presented by Pat Prudence, one of the tennis club's founding members!
We'll be teaming up with the golf club's appointed 2019 charity and raising money for the SAMSON Centre for MS in Guildford. There's a £10 donation/entry fee per player (includes BBQ food). Non-competitors will be asked for a donation for BBQ food. Guide price for kids U12 = £1. Over 12 £4.
So don't miss out...sunshine on order, sizzling BBQ, great tennis, family fun, fab raffle prizes, cupcakes to die for. BYO drink. It can't get any better.
All entry proceeds and money raised through the raffle will go to the SAMSON Centre for MS, Guildford.
The aim is to make this a fun day inclusive of all playing levels. We will organise teams once all entries received . Book early as we will cap at 48 players.
NON tennis players: Please come along and support the day.
Players arrive 1pm for registration and team briefing
Tennis starts at 1.30pm
Finishes around 4.30pm
BBQ cooking starts 4.30pm
Prize Giving and Samson cheque presentation 4.45pm
Raffle 5pm
Finish around 6pm