Extraordinary General Meeting 7.00 pm on Thursday 7th November 2019
The formal notice of the EGM is set out in the link below. The Offer Document linked below includes a further letter from David Amey explaining the reasons for the EGM , the proposals for the clubhouse and the water storage facility and the proposals for financing these projects. It also includes explanations of the EGM resolutions and the details for the Loan Notes and Preference Shares to be issued and how to apply for them.
The Proxy Form below enables any shareholder member to appoint the chairman or other member to attend and vote at the EGM on their behalf. Completing a Proxy Form does not prevent you from attending the meeting in person but ensures your vote will be counted.
Please click the links below to download the documents
The Proxy Form below enables any shareholder member to appoint the chairman or other member to attend and vote at the EGM on their behalf. Completing a Proxy Form does not prevent you from attending the meeting in person but ensures your vote will be counted.
Please click the links below to download the documents